Cash Flows statement
Cash flow statement
Today our topic is cash flows statement first we would know that what is cash flow statement. So we have three words one is cash 2nd is flow and 3rd is statement. For 1st word we can say cash is money, 2nd flow means something which can comes in and go out in other word inflow and outflow , payment and receipt. 3rd word is statement "it means clearly expressing something in writing.
So with these definition it is clear what is cash flow statement " expressing and presenting inflow (Receipt) and outflow (payment) of cash in statement is called cash flow statement."
Inflow and outflow of cash can written into statement in three different types of activities
1. Cash flow from Operating activities, 2. Cash flows Investing activities and 3. Cash flows Financing activities. After understanding these activities you will know that how you can prepare a statement of Cash flow. These entries are must for enabling yourself in preparing this statement. So these three activities can be explain as follows ;
By investing activities in cash flow statement we means " investment made by a company in long term or fixed assets (long term assets are those assets which can not be converted into cash in shortest period of time or it is a property of company e.g plant, machinery and equipment.) So in these type of assets we either pay amount for investment or receive the amount. E.g if we are going to invest in building so we have to make payment first.
Financing activities is the last activity of statement of cash flow. Financing activities include owner equity and long term liabilities. It can be described as whenever a businessman Receipts money for business or whenever businessman payback amount or money. This is a simple concept its about payment and receipts of finance (funds require to operate business ). E.g bank loans receipts or payment, dividend paid to shareholders etc.
So that we conclude all about these three activities.
Before starting to prepare cash flow statement I will suggest you that you Also learn income statement and balance sheet because Cash flow statement is prepared with the help of income statement and balance sheet. Here is link below income statement and balance sheet . now I am uploading one example question on this topic and after that I will explain this example. Lets see the picture below;
1. Cash flows from operating activities;
During day to day operations of business various activities occur, these activities may be sale of goods and purchase of goods etc through these two activities 1st we make sale of any goods or our product we receive cash and 2nd we may purchase goods for use in company we paid for the goods so cash payment. It is also referred to net income, why because in this two main type of activities revenue generation and expenses payment occur. Now through these two item we get net income so that is why its referred to net income. Revenue is added or plus and expenses must be subtracted from revenue. This is about operating activities.2. Cash flows from investing activities;
By investing activities in cash flow statement we means " investment made by a company in long term or fixed assets (long term assets are those assets which can not be converted into cash in shortest period of time or it is a property of company e.g plant, machinery and equipment.) So in these type of assets we either pay amount for investment or receive the amount. E.g if we are going to invest in building so we have to make payment first.
3. Cash flows from financing activities;
Financing activities is the last activity of statement of cash flow. Financing activities include owner equity and long term liabilities. It can be described as whenever a businessman Receipts money for business or whenever businessman payback amount or money. This is a simple concept its about payment and receipts of finance (funds require to operate business ). E.g bank loans receipts or payment, dividend paid to shareholders etc.
So that we conclude all about these three activities.
Before starting to prepare cash flow statement I will suggest you that you Also learn income statement and balance sheet because Cash flow statement is prepared with the help of income statement and balance sheet. Here is link below income statement and balance sheet . now I am uploading one example question on this topic and after that I will explain this example. Lets see the picture below;
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