Journal, ledger and trial balance with illustration
1.Journal preparing
At First we defines Journal in accounting "Journal means a daily record of business financial transaction or it is a day to day record of company's assets, expense and ravenue ,liabilities. "
After the definition of journal you got concept of journal that what it actually means. The most important terms which was mentioned in definition for your reminder I wil explain all in this topic because without understanding assets expense and owner equity you can't prepare a journal and all others accounting cycle statement. These terms are basis for all the statement. I will explain these terms with debit and credit rules which used in journal to prepare separate accounts for each transaction.
1. Assets
"Assets can be define as things or resources owned by the company " So this is the simple definition all things company has owns those are assets of company for example equipment , machinery and cash these are assets for company.
In simple words we can say expense is the amount which spent by a company during cost of production, It could be interest paid tax paid and purchase of material there would be transportation or any other expense also be occurred .
3. Liabilities
Liabilities are those amount which are borrowed from outsiders or that part of amount which is owed by company to supplier, lender or any other financial institutions.
For example account payable why it is liability for company because we have to pay him amount after specific period.
4. Owner equity
It is that part of amount which actually invested by the owner into business e.g capital. For example 1000 amount invested by owner into business it is capital of company and capital is owner equity for company.
Now we explained all these term this is your duty to remember them because these will use in journal. Another thing which is important preparing journal is debit and credit rules or how you can post these transaction into journal , without these rule I will give you answer of one transaction which is " goods sold for Rs. 100. So entry for this is;
Cash Dr : Rs 100
Sale Cr: Rs 100 "
people says repeat ten time in your mind something it will remembered don't apply this suggestion of people here for remembering all transaction just simply remembered these two rule which enable you to solve 10 , 20 or even more transaction. So without wasting your precious time I will be writing for you these rules.
Assets and expenses have same rule whenever increase in assets and expense it is recorded as Debit and whenever decrease it is recorded as credit so it is simple rule just remained this.
Liability , owner equity and revenue
these are actually opposite to assets and expense. A increase in these three accounts recorded as credit while decrease is recorded as debit. So understanding these two concept you will be able to prepare journal. I am adding one example of journal with entries for you to get concept about how you can solve these types of entries. Lets read out !
Now we explained all these term this is your duty to remember them because these will use in journal. Another thing which is important preparing journal is debit and credit rules or how you can post these transaction into journal , without these rule I will give you answer of one transaction which is " goods sold for Rs. 100. So entry for this is;
Cash Dr : Rs 100
Sale Cr: Rs 100 "
people says repeat ten time in your mind something it will remembered don't apply this suggestion of people here for remembering all transaction just simply remembered these two rule which enable you to solve 10 , 20 or even more transaction. So without wasting your precious time I will be writing for you these rules.
Assets and expenses have same rule whenever increase in assets and expense it is recorded as Debit and whenever decrease it is recorded as credit so it is simple rule just remained this.
Liability , owner equity and revenue
these are actually opposite to assets and expense. A increase in these three accounts recorded as credit while decrease is recorded as debit. So understanding these two concept you will be able to prepare journal. I am adding one example of journal with entries for you to get concept about how you can solve these types of entries. Lets read out !
1. Goods purchase on cash Rs. 150.
2. Goods sold for cash Rs 100.
3. Goods purchase from mark (any person name) Rs. 50.
4. Goods purchase on credit Rs. 50.
5. Goods sold on credit Rs 170.
Prepare general journal for following entries.
General journal
This is your general journal i tried to make it simple not added any difficult situation
Because if you don't understand journal you're in basic stages of accounting if you learn this simple journal very well then you can slove deficult entries and any question you want to ask me about this topic you can comment below. If you like this post than please visit our blog for more post about accounting ( www.accounting490.blogspot.com)
Any thing which you feel that I not wrote in this post or any suggestion also comment below this post.
Before preparing of ledger I want to define what ledger means " ledger is simply collection of financial accounts after journal. "In this definition there is no rocket science at first you prepare journal and than post all transaction into separate account for each transaction. For example : Goods sold for cash in this entries we have two accounts one is cash which is debit why because according to rule of asset debit comes in and credit goes out and another item is credit which is sale. Its looks like in journal
Cash Dr Rs .100
Sales Cr Rs. 100
Now what you have to do in preparing ledger account just create separate account for both transaction (cash and sale ). After that put sale into debit side of cash account and use this method in opposite put cash into sale account credit side. The cash account is debited in first ledger account so we put balance c/d (carry down ) in credit side top and equal the both side total and then post 100 at the bottom of debit side as balance b/d
So this is just a simple way to prepare general ledger after this you have to prepare trial balance with help of general ledger and journal. So what is trial balance
Trial balance means balancing journal and ledger or it is document which prepared at the end of month in order to show that all entries are recorded correctly or not. I uploaded illustration so you understand this better.
so in illustration you know how you can prepare trial balance with help of journal and ledger and remember this one rule that if your trial balance total is not equal then check again your ledger and journal because this is trial balance rule that both side total must be equal. End
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